How to combine text in excel - Gaintoearn

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        Discover the best techniques for combining text in Excel. Our website offers step-

by-step tutorials and tips to help you streamline your workflow.

        Micro soft excels many shortcuts available to make our life very easier. Here I am 

going to explain how to combine 2 cells into one cell with in 1 minute. This shortcuts 

very useful for those who are working on Excel in daily basis.

1. Using Formula

Step: 1

    Here I have given one example, cells contain first name and last name that I am going 

to combine into one cell. Same way what ever you want to combine that you can use 

below formula to combine the cells.

Step: 2

I want to combine first name and last name into one cell so use below formula and 


Keep cursor into C2 cell then use the formula. 

Note: Suppose your data in some other cells then use respective cell name 

instead of A2 and B2

Combine Formula =A2& “ “ &B2

See below cell A & Cell B combine into one Cell (C)

This way you can combine two cells into one cell. 

2. Using Flash Fill

What is Flash Fill?

Flash Fill is a dynamic tool introduced in Microsoft Excel 2013 that automates the 

process of extracting, combining, or formatting data based on patterns detected 

in adjacent columns. By analyzing the provided data, Excel predicts the desired 

output and fills in the adjacent cells accordingly, saving time and effort in manual 

data manipulation tasks.

How does Flash Fill Work?

    When enabled, Flash Fill intelligently recognizes patterns in the data  entered in 

one column and applies the same pattern to fill the adjacent cells  in another 

column. It leverages algorithms to identify commonalities or  sequences in the 

data, such as text formatting, numerical sequences, or date  formats, and 

extrapolates the pattern to complete the remaining cells.

Step 1: 

Keep a data sheet contains first name and last name like  below

Step 2: 

Type first name and last name together in Cell C2 & C3 like below

Step 3: 

Type Once typed first 2 names then select the cell C2 C3 then track until down 

how many names you have. 

Next, right side "Autofill option" will display that you can click then select "Flash 

Fill" it will combine in your data sheet all first name and last name will be combined.

By way of above 2 method you can combine text in excel.

Have you used any other way for combining text in excel? if yes, then comment below 

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